Hautala-Hirvioja Tuija

Hautala-Hirvioja Tuija

Tuija Hautala-Hirvioja, Ph.D., is a lecturer in Art History at the University of Lapland:

"My research interest in winter in Lapland developed when I was working on my licentiate thesis on the art of J-K. Kyyhkynen. It then deepened in my doctoral dissertation, which dealt with the development of the image of Lapland in Finnish art before the Second World War. In my free time, my relationship to winter still follows children’s need–making snowmen, pushing kick-sledges, skiing, coasting and skating. Personally, I like the winter and not even the darkness of kaamos really bothers me."


Other writers:

Autti Mervi

Hautala-Hirvioja Tuija

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Huhmarniemi Maria

Jokela Timo

Kinnunen Kari

Kontio Riitta

Kuismanen Kimmo

Lehtiniemi Jarkko

Lillberg Juhani

Ryynänen Kai

Saarinen Jarkko

Sinisalo Anna

Tuisku Tuula

Vuorjoki Susanna

Ylimartimo Sisko

© University of Lapland and Kemi-Tornio Polytechnic, Culture Unit