
Kuismanen Kimmo

Kimmo Kuismanen, Lic. Tech., a graduate of the University of Oulu, is an architect and member of The Finnish Association of Architects, and has his own firm.

"I have been involved in The Winter Cities Association and the winter cities conferences since the 1980s. My office does city planning and designs buildings, and one of our goals is to create a milieu that is enjoyable in all four seasons. We are the only architectural office in Finland with its own wind tunnel, which allows us to test the soundness of our designs in a harsh climate. I have also designed snow structures for Snowhow Ltd"

Other writers:

Autti Mervi

Hautala-Hirvioja Tuija

Hiltunen Mirja

Huhmarniemi Maria

Jokela Timo

Kinnunen Kari

Kontio Riitta

Kuismanen Kimmo

Lehtiniemi Jarkko

Lillberg Juhani

Ryynänen Kai

Saarinen Jarkko

Sinisalo Anna

Tuisku Tuula

Vuorjoki Susanna

Ylimartimo Sisko

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